The Product Science Journal
The Product Science Podcast
The Emily Patterson Hypothesis: You're Not Really Learning Product Unless You're Doing It

The Emily Patterson Hypothesis: You're Not Really Learning Product Unless You're Doing It

Emily Patterson has been doing product management work since the '00s. As a tech grad from Boston University, she was a business analyst before moving into product management roles. She's a B2B SaaS product leader, currently focused on cybersecurity. She holds a MBA from UNC Chapel Hill. She has 2 great kids, a weird cat, and a very supportive partner.

In this episode of the Product Science Podcast, we cover why Emily started In The Lab PM, what her experiences as a mom in product have been like, and how she has built a network despite being an introvert.

Read the show notes to learn more:

The Product Science Journal
The Product Science Podcast
The Product Science Podcast is for startup founders and product leaders building high-growth products, teams, and companies. Listen in on real conversations with the people who have tried it and aren’t afraid to share the lessons they’ve learned (and the mistakes they’ve made) along the way.