The Product Science Journal
The Product Science Podcast
The James Mayes Hypothesis: Focus on What Drives the Audience to Curate Great Events

The James Mayes Hypothesis: Focus on What Drives the Audience to Curate Great Events

Cofounder of Mind the Product, now Evangelist for Pendo - James spent his first career in recruiting, his second in product and events. He's still happiest outdoors though!

In this episode of the Product Science Podcast, we cover the story of Mind the Product from concept to acquisition. We also talk about how the pandemic has affected the future of live events, and how to add product principles to event planning.

Read the show notes to learn more:

The Product Science Journal
The Product Science Podcast
The Product Science Podcast is for startup founders and product leaders building high-growth products, teams, and companies. Listen in on real conversations with the people who have tried it and aren’t afraid to share the lessons they’ve learned (and the mistakes they’ve made) along the way.